
Protein Network Analysis for Non-Model Species

Working with non-model species can be somewhat challenging due to the lack of compatible software and databases. Today, we’re going to address a common issue encountered when working with these types of species: protein network analysis. To do this, we will use the online tool STRING. Following this step-by-step guide, we will show you how …

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Bioinformatics: Overview and Path to Becoming a Bioinformatician

In the realm of modern scientific research, bioinformatics acts as a pivotal connector between biological data and computational analysis. This multidisciplinary field merges biology, computer science, and statistics to glean invaluable insights from extensive biological datasets, reshaping our comprehension of intricate biological systems. This article delves into the core principles of bioinformatics, explores its tangible …

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VCF Files: Comprehensive Interpretation and Applications

The VCF format is a fundamental tool for storing and representing genetic variant information. Short for “Variant Call Format,” the VCF format has become an indispensable asset in genomic research and clinical applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into their wide-ranging applications, and how to effectively interpret the results and fields they contain. …

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CuGenDB: The comprehensive database for cucurbit genomics

CuGenDB (Cucurbit Genomic Database) specializes in genomic and genetic data of cucurbit crops. It’s a platform for researchers to access and analyze crop info – genomes, markers, gene annotations. CuGenDB accelerates cucurbit genomics research and breeding via a central repository of data and tools for the scientific community. As of January 2023, CuGenDB launched CuGenDBv2, …

CuGenDB: The comprehensive database for cucurbit genomics Read More »

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Fasta Format: A Guide to Master .fasta, .fa, and .fastq Extensions

Mastering file formats is a key skill for effective data management in bioinformatics. Among the diverse file types, the “fasta format,” alongside .fa and .fastq extensions, shines in nucleotide sequences and genomics. In this article, we’ll give you a comprehensive guide on these file extensions, their purposes, structures, and common applications. 1. .fast and .fa …

Fasta Format: A Guide to Master .fasta, .fa, and .fastq Extensions Read More »

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