About Us

Empowering the Bioinformatic Community

Code in Bio emerges as a personal project born from the aspiration to aid the community by offering valuable bioinformatics resources all in one place


Having delved into bioinformatics through years of dedicated study – from bachelor’s to doctorate – we recognized a glaring gap. This gap wasn’t confined to the scientific circle; it extended to non-scientific individuals intrigued by this field. It became evident that a holistic platform was missing – one that catered to both experts and those unfamiliar with the intricacies.

This realization fueled our commitment to create a hub that not only covers bioinformatics comprehensively but also communicates its essence to a wider audience. Our goal is clear: to offer reliable, actionable information ranging from basics to practical script development, all while keeping everyone abreast of the latest news. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just starting, we invite you to join our community. Let’s unravel the fascinating world of bioinformatics together!

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